In the 1920s Coco Chanel became tired of having to carry her handbags in her arms and decided to design a handbag that freed up her hands. Inspired by the straps found on soldiers’ bags she added thin straps and introduced the resulting design to the market in 1929.
After her successful comeback to the fashion industry in 1954 Chanel decided to update her handbag, for the modern women -double flap, with mademoiselle (square) closure and mademoiselle metal chain. The quilts were inspired by jackets worn by jockeys. The resulting design was called 2.55 after the date of creation, February 1955.
2.55 has a number of features:
Lining - The lining’s burgundy colour represents the colour of the uniforms at the convent where she grew up.
Compartment - There is a zippered compartment at the inside of the front flap. That’s where Chanel is rumoured to have stored her love letters in her original bag.
Back - The backside has a back outside flap for storage of money.
Shoulder strap - The chains were attached by leather-threaded chain inserted though eyelets. The caretakers of the convert she grew up at hold the keys at their waist dangling from the same type of chains as the 2.55 shoulder strap chains.
The front lock – the front lock is called “the Mademoiselle Lock” (because Coco was never married).
Since its introduction there have been several variations of the original 2.55 design:
1) metal and interwoven leather straps
2) use of different colour leathers/fabrics combination
3) single flap vs. the original double flap
4) different sizes available
5) mademoiselle vs. interlocking CC
Chanel 2.55
Dec 16, 2009
Posted by MyFairLadyz at 3:56 PM